Atypical Depression – Discover The Unusual Aspects Of Depression!

Hi there, you all must have heard about depression. But have you heard about atypical depression? Atypical depression is unique and can be overlooked. In this video, we will tell you five unique features of atypical depression we should be aware of. 

What are the Atypical Features of Depression?

  1. Mood reactivity: People suffering from atypical depression can have an improvement in their mood during positive events or experiences, while in typical- regular depression, the mood remains consistently low. 
  2. Increased appetite: Unlike typical depression, where appetite and weight may decrease, individuals with atypical depression often experience increased appetite and may gain weight.
  3. Hypersomnia: People with atypical depression have excessive sleepiness or hypersomnia, sometimes for ten hours or more per day, and still feel tired. While in typical depression, they usually have difficulty sleeping. 
  4. Leaden Paralysis: This type of paralysis is simply a heavy or weighted feeling in the arms or legs as if they are made of lead. It is one of the common symptoms of atypical depression and is not typically seen in other forms of depression.
  5. Interpersonal Sensitivity: People with atypical depression can become more sensitive to rejection or criticism compared to those with typical depression.

It is important to note these signs of depression. Talk to your doctor.  Mental health is so important.


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