Thalassemia Insights – Types, Symptoms, Treatments and Risk Factors

Thalassemia Insights – Types, Symptoms, Treatments and Risk Factors

Highlights of Thalassemia

  • A thalassemia is a group of inherited hemoglobin disorders that affect red blood cells’ ability to transport oxygen due to insufficient production of alpha or beta-globin proteins.
  • Symptoms of thalassemia vary based on severity, ranging from none to severe anemia, fatigue, enlarged organs, and bone deformities, with severe forms potentially causing heart and liver diseases, infections, and osteoporosis.
  • Thalassemias cannot be prevented but can be identified through prenatal testing and family genetic studies.
  • Repeated blood transfusions can cause iron overload, necessitating iron chelation therapy for those undergoing treatment with blood transfusion.
  • If you have thalassemia and are considering pregnancy, it’s important to seek genetic counseling and explore potential fertility treatments.

What is Thalassemia?

A thalassemia is a group of inherited hemoglobin disorders that affect approximately 1 in 100,000 people globally. In this condition, the body doesn’t produce sufficient hemoglobin. Insufficient hemoglobin results in fewer healthy red blood cells, leading to decreased oxygen delivery to cells throughout the body, causing fatigue, weakness, or shortness of breath—a condition known as anemia. Thalassemia can range from mild to severe, with severe cases potentially causing organ damage and even death.

What Are The Types of Thalassemia?

Thalassemia is categorized into two main types depending on the defective gene responsible for the compromised oxygen-carrying capacity of the red blood cells. The types of thalassemia are:

1. Alpha-Thalassemia

Alpha-thalassemia is defined as reduced or absent production of α-globin. Four genes are
necessary to form an Alpha-globin chain inherited from both parents, two from each. Your symptoms will vary depending on the number of affected or deleted genes. If someone inherits:

  • One mutated gene: They are considered silent carriers and don’t have symptoms but pass the disease to their kids.
  • Two mutated genes: They will experience mild signs and symptoms of anemia, also known as the alpha-thalassemia trait.
  • Three mutated genes: They will experience moderate to severe anemia. This is also known as Haemoglobin H disease.
  • Four mutated genes: It represents the most severe form, called alpha-thalassemia major. Unfortunately, babies with this condition usually die before birth or shortly after.

2. Beta- Thalassemia

Normally, the beta hemoglobin chain is encoded by two genes, resulting in two main forms of the disease. If you have:

  • One mutated gene: This condition is called beta Thalassemia Minor or beta Thalassemia trait. If either of the parents lacks the defective gene, the child will inherit the same condition.
  • Two mutated genes: Both genes are affected, making it the most severe form, known as beta Thalassemia Major or Cooley’s anemia.

Risk Factors of Thalassemia

risk factors of thalassemia

  • Family history: Thalassemia follows an autosomal recessive inheritance pattern, meaning, it is inherited from one or both parents. If only one parent carries the gene, the child becomes a carrier but typically does not develop the condition.
  • Race: Thalassemia is most common among African Americans and individuals of Mediterranean or Southeast Asian heritage

What Are The Symptoms of Thalassemia?

The symptoms of thalassemia are due to the decreased number of healthy red blood cells. Thus, the symptoms you experience depend on how severe your condition is.


If you’re missing one alpha gene, you likely won’t have symptoms. With two missing alpha genes or one missing beta gene, you may have symptoms of mild anemia, such as fatigue.

Mild to Moderate symptoms of Thalassemia

Thalassemia intermedia presents with mild to moderate forms of similar symptoms, such as,

thalassemia symptoms

  • Slowed growth and delayed puberty: Anaemia can delay the child’s normal growth and development.
  • Urine: Dark brown to lighter yellow due to the breakdown of red blood cells. This is especially more prominent in Thalassemia intermedia. Dark urine may be seen particularly after a transfusion or when unusually tired.
  • Bone Problems: Thalassemia may lead to wider-than-normal bones that are brittle and prone to fractures.
  • Enlarged Spleen: Thalassemia causes overproduction of red blood cells due to low hemoglobin levels, leading to an enlarged and hyperactive spleen.

Severe symptoms of Thalassemia

People with hemoglobin H disease or Beta-thalassemia major have severe forms of thalassemia. Symptoms typically appear within the first 2 years of life and may include severe anemia like dizziness and fast heart rate, along with other health issues such as:

  • Pale or yellow skin: The skin may look pale due to anemia or yellow from the increased breakdown of red blood cells. Tiredness is often the first symptom of anemia.
  • Dark or tea-colored urine: Medications like iron chelators, for instance, Deferiprone, can turn urine orange, while deferoxamine with iron may cause reddish urine.
  • Behavioral changes: Anaemia can make the child feel listless, fussy, or tired. They might also have difficulty concentrating.
  • Growth: Children with Beta-thalassemia major typically grow normally until around 9 to 10. After this, their growth slows, and they may not have the expected growth spurt during puberty.

Diagnosis of Thalassemia

Diagnosis of thalassemia involves a series of steps to identify the presence of abnormal hemoglobin production, which characterizes this genetic blood disorder. The following are the tests are done for the diagnosis of thalassemia:

diagnosis of thalassemia

1. Complete Blood Count (CBC)

A CBC is a routine blood test that provides information about the number and characteristics of different blood cells, including red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), and platelets. The CBC may reveal microcytic hypochromic anemia in thalassemia, characterized by small and pale red blood cells.

2. Haemoglobin electrophoresis

This test identifies and quantifies the different types of hemoglobin present in the blood. In thalassemia, there may be an imbalance in the types of hemoglobin, with reduced levels of normal adult hemoglobin (HbA) and increased levels of fetal hemoglobin (HbF) or other abnormal hemoglobin variants, depending on the specific type of thalassemia.

3. Genetic studies

Genetic testing may be performed to confirm a diagnosis of thalassemia and determine the specific type and severity of the condition. This typically involves analyzing DNA samples obtained from a blood sample to identify mutations in the genes responsible for producing hemoglobin.

4. Prenatal testing

Expectant parents of thalassemia carriers may consider prenatal testing. This involves,

  • Amniocentesis: Amniotic fluid is found within the sac surrounding a developing embryo. This procedure involves sampling amniotic fluid to test for thalassemia.
  • Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS): The placenta is the organ that connects the umbilical cord to the mother’s womb. CVS is a test that involves extracting and examining tissue from the placenta to diagnose thalassemia prenatally.

Treatment of Thalassemia

The treatment of thalassemia varies depending on the type and severity of the condition. While some individuals with thalassemia may not require treatment or may only need occasional medical care, others may require regular monitoring and intervention to manage symptoms and complications. Here are some common treatment approaches for thalassemia:

thalassemia treatments

  • Blood Transfusions 

Regular blood transfusions are often necessary for individuals with moderate to severe thalassemia, such as thalassemia major. Transfusions help replenish the supply of healthy red blood cells and improve symptoms of anemia, such as fatigue and weakness. However, frequent transfusions can lead to iron overload in the body.

  • Iron Chelation Therapy

Iron overload resulting from repeated blood transfusions can damage organs, particularly the heart, liver, and endocrine glands. Iron chelation therapy involves using medications (such as deferoxamine, deferiprone, or deferasirox) to remove excess iron from the body and prevent complications associated with iron overload.

  • Folic Acid Supplementation

Folic acid (vitamin B9) supplementation is often prescribed to individuals with thalassemia to support red blood cell production and minimize the risk of developing megaloblastic anemia.

  • Bone Marrow Transplantation

For individuals with severe thalassemia who have a suitable donor, bone marrow transplantation (also known as hematopoietic stem cell transplantation) may offer a potential cure. This procedure involves replacing the defective bone marrow with healthy stem cells from a donor, which can produce normal red blood cells.

  • Gene Therapy

Gene therapy is an experimental approach being investigated as a potential treatment for thalassemia. This involves introducing healthy copies of the defective genes responsible for thalassemia into the patient’s bone marrow cells to restore normal hemoglobin production.

  • Hydroxyurea Therapy

Hydroxyurea is a medication that can stimulate the production of fetal hemoglobin (HbF), which has a higher oxygen-carrying capacity than adult hemoglobin. This therapy may reduce the need for blood transfusions and alleviate symptoms in some individuals with thalassemia.

  • Treatment of Complications

Additional treatments may be necessary to manage complications associated with thalassemia, such as bone deformities, growth delays, infections, and complications related to iron overload.

  • Low iron diet

Thalassemia patients, particularly those not undergoing transfusion, should avoid iron-rich foods and consume tea with meals to lower iron absorption. Transfused patients benefit from a low-iron diet, limiting intake to under 10 mg/day for children under 10 and 18 mg/day for older individuals to prevent organ damage from iron accumulation. Thalassemia patients should avoid foods high in iron, such as oysters, liver, pork, beans, beef, peanut butter, tofu, flour tortillas, infant cereal, cream of wheat, Malt-O-Meal, iron-fortified cereals, prune juice, prunes, watermelon, spinach, leafy greens, dates, raisins, broccoli, peas, and fava beans.

Pregnancy and Contraception in Thalassemia

  • Pregnancy Planning

Women with severe forms of thalassemia can have successful pregnancies, but consulting with your healthcare team is advisable. It’s important to consider genetic counseling and potential fertility treatments.

  • During Pregnancy

Increased monitoring and adjustments to treatment may be necessary, as pregnancy can pose risks such as heart issues for the mother and growth problems for the baby.

  • Contraception

If pregnancy isn’t planned, reliable contraception is recommended.

What Are The Complications of Thalassemia?

Improved treatments enable individuals with moderate and severe thalassemias to live significantly longer. Consequently, they must manage the long-term complications associated with these disorders. Possible Complications of thalassemia are:

complications of thalassemia

  • Iron Overload

Individuals with thalassemia who receive regular blood transfusions risk developing iron overload, as each transfusion introduces excess iron into the body. Iron overload can lead to organ damage, particularly to the heart, liver, and endocrine glands, increasing the risk of heart failure, liver cirrhosis, diabetes, and other complications.

  • Hypersplenism

Splenomegaly and increased destruction of red blood cells by the spleen (hypersplenism) can exacerbate anemia and lead to a further decrease in red blood cell count, worsening symptoms such as fatigue and weakness.

  • Increased Risk of Infections

Individuals with thalassemia, particularly those who have undergone splenectomy, are at increased risk of infections, particularly those caused by encapsulated bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumonia, Haemophilus influenzae, and Neisseria meningitidis. This is due to the spleen’s role in the body’s immune system and the loss of splenic function following splenectomy.

  • Bone Deformities

Thalassemia can affect bone growth and development, leading to skeletal abnormalities such as osteoporosis, bone marrow expansion, and bone deformities (e.g., widening of facial bones and thinning of long bones). These changes can cause skeletal pain, fractures, and impaired mobility.

  • Growth Delay and Developmental Delay

Chronic anemia and associated complications can interfere with normal growth and development in children with thalassemia, leading to growth delays, developmental delays, and cognitive impairments.

Questions to ask your doctor

  1. What is the likelihood of my child inheriting thalassemia if a family member has been
    diagnosed with the condition?
  2. Are there any dietary recommendations or restrictions that should be followed to
    manage thalassemia effectively?
  3. What is the life expectancy of a child diagnosed with thalassemia?
  4. Is genetic testing available to determine the likelihood of thalassemia in future
    children, and if so, how accurate is it?
  5. Does my child have to undergo blood transfusions for the rest of their life as part of
    their thalassemia treatment plan?


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