What Are The Causes Of Bad Breath?

causes of bad breath

  1. Oral hygiene: This is the most common cause and allows
    bacteria to accumulate in the mouth. Those bacteria break down the food particles and
    produce different compounds, leading to unpleasant odors.
  2. Consumption of pungent food: Foods like garlic or onions can lead to bad
    breath. Their strong-smelling compounds are absorbed into the bloodstream and
    expelled through breath.
  3. Dry mouth: Saliva plays a crucial role in cleaning the mouth and neutralizing acids
    produced by bacteria. A dry mouth reduces saliva production, allowing bacteria to thrive
    and cause bad breath.
  4. Dental disease: Untreated gum disease, dental infections, and cavities can also
    contribute to persistent bad breath.
  5. Tobacco use: Smoking and other tobacco products can contribute to bad breath. They
    also increase the risk of gum disease, another potential cause of bad breath.


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