Your Gut Health | Top Exercises for Digestion and Wellness

Today, we’re diving into something that affects us all – gut health. Whether you’re aiming for a flatter stomach or just want to feel better from the inside out, these exercises are sure to make a difference. Let’s jump right in!

Best Exercise For Good Digestion

  1. Crunches: You might hate this one, but it will help you with bloating and strengthen your core muscles. A strong core can assist in better posture and help with digestion by increasing the mobility of the gut.
  2. Walking: Brisk walking may sound simple, but it is great for your body and digestive system. Regular brisk walking, especially after meals, can aid digestion by stimulating intestinal contractions and reducing bloating. 
  3. Yoga: Yoga, when done correctly, can completely transform your gut health. Triangle, Boat, and Child’s positions are yoga positions for optimal digestion. They can stimulate digestion and help move food through the digestive tract more efficiently. 
  4. Pelvic floor Activations: Exercises focused on the pelvic floor, like Kegels, strengthen the muscles supporting the organs in the pelvis, including the bladder, uterus, and rectum. This support promotes better bowel movements and prevents issues like constipation.


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