Why Do Some Women Have Twins, Triplets, or More?

Causes of Multiple Pregnancy

If you’ve ever wondered why some women carry more than one baby at a time. You might have heard of more than one baby, such as twins, triplets, or quadruplets and are wondering how it is possible. Some women carry more than one baby for a few different reasons. Let’s jump into it.

 A woman may release more than one egg during ovulation for non-identical twins or higher-order multiples like triplets. If multiple eggs get fertilized by different sperm, multiple pregnancies occur. This is more likely if you have a family history of multiple pregnancies, especially on your mother’s side, or if you are 35 years or older. This is due to the higher levels of follicle-stimulating hormone, which can lead to the release of multiple eggs during one cycle of ovulation. You might have heard of Assisted reproductive techniques, like in vitro fertilization. This can lead to multiple pregnancies. When undergoing the technique, your doctor may implant more than one embryo to increase the chance of pregnancy. This can result in twins or more. Plus, if you are on Fertility medications like clomiphene citrate – they stimulate the ovaries and can lead to the release of multiple eggs. A study done in Mexico showed that women of African descent have higher rates of multiple pregnancies, while women of Asian descent have lower rates. Genetics and certain inherited traits definitely play a role here. Some women naturally produce higher levels of follicle-stimulating hormone. This encourages the ovaries to release more than one egg at a time and have multiple pregnancies. Plus, If you have already had twins or triplets, you have a higher chance of having another multiple pregnancy in the future. Whether it’s twins or triplets, it’s always fascinating to see how nature or sometimes science brings multiple little ones into the world.

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