Is Strep a Bacterial or Viral Infection?

Sore throat vs Strep Throat

Do you want to know the difference between strep throat and a regular sore throat? You are in the right place. In this video, we will explain the four main differences between them. 

  1. Causes: Strep throat is caused by bacteria called streptococcus pyogenes, while most of the sore throats are caused by viral infections, such as the common cold or influenza virus.
  2. Presentation: Strep throat often presents with a sudden onset of severe sore throat, fever, swollen lymph nodes, and sometimes white patches on the tonsils or throat. However, viral sore throats typically have less severe symptoms and may be accompanied by cough, runny nose, or congestion. 
  3. Diagnosis: To diagnose strep throat, your doctor might order a rapid strep test or swab culture, while viral infection usually does not require specific tests. 
  4. Treatment:  Strep throat requires antibacterial medication, whereas a sore throat can be managed with simple remedies like salt water gargling, lozenges, or warm beverages. 


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