Treatment Of Vaginal Yeast Infection – Do’s & Don’ts

Do’s and Don’ts Of  Vaginal Yeast Infection


  • The first one is to practice good hygiene: You should wash the vaginal area once a day with plain water or mild, unscented soap. 
  • The second is choosing breathable fabrics for your undergarments to avoid trapping heat and moisture.
  • See your doctor: Your doctor can prescribe a pill called fluconazole or a topical cream like Myconazole. Follow the prescribed treatment, and take the meds exactly as directed for better vaginal health. 


  • The first one in this list is to skip douching. Douching disrupts the natural balance of healthy bacteria and increases the risk of infection.
  • You should say no to unproven remedies. Many people may suggest you use tea tree oil, coconut oil, and garlic. But remember, these have not been proven to treat yeast infections.
  • Do not get involved in unprotected sexual activity to protect your partner from getting it and also retransmitting to yourself from them.  Abstain until you have completed your treatment. 


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