Is Anal Fistula Dangerous? – Find Out Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Hi there! Today we want to talk about anal fistula. It is a topic not often discussed, so let’s break the awkwardness and put some light on it. 

What is Anal Fistula?

An anal fistula is a tunnel that forms between the anus and the surrounding skin. Most cases of anal fistulas are caused by an infection that begins in the anal gland. 

Symptoms of Anal Fistula

  1. Swelling or redness around your anus
  2. Anal pain that is often intense and throbbing
  3. Drainage of poop, pus, or even blood somewhere around your anus and 
  4. less commonly, you can also have a fever. 

How Anal Fistula Are Formed?

Now, talking about how an anal fistula is formed.  It primarily results from the infection in anal glands, leading to abscess formation. The abscess ultimately starts draining through a tract on its own. A fistula is a tunnel that forms under the skin along this drainage tract. The tunnel connects the anal canal or the gland to the outer skin around the anus. This is the part of the tunnel we can see from outside. 

Risk Factors of Anal Fistula

There are several risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing an anal fistula, such as prior anal abscesses, inflammatory bowel disease, anal trauma, previous surgery, or radiation for anal cancer.  While anal fistulas are more common in adults around 40, they can also affect younger individuals. In relation to gender, men are more susceptible to anal fistulas than women.

Is Anal Fistula Dangerous?

With anal fistula, you can have long-term complications like persistent infection, recurrence even after treatment, extension of fistula, and even anal cancer. At times, surgical interventions to resolve the condition may result in fecal incontinence, making it difficult to control your bowel movements. 

Treatment of Anal Fistula

Treatment of anal fistula depends on factors like its location and its causes. The primary goal is to repair the anal fistula completely to prevent recurrence. Plus Your doctor might recommend fistulotomy for simple fistula, and for complex fistulas, they might suggest surgeries like seton drain, advancement flap, or LIFT procedures.  Your doctor might suggest some measures to make you comfortable during the process of healing. These are simple suggestions but make a big difference if you follow it.

  • Drink plenty of fluids and add fiber to your diet to prevent constipation
  • avoid straining during bowel movements
  • use medication for pain as needed
  • Take a sitz bath. 

Hope this helped to clear you about the anal fistula. Let us know if you want to know more. 


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