How is Kidney Disease Related to Anemia?

Anemia in Kidney Disease

Did you know many people with kidney disease suffer from anemia? Let me explain to you why you can be anemic if you have kidney disease. When your kidneys get affected, they produce less of the erythropoietin hormone. This hormone is like a superhero that signals your bone marrow to produce a new batch of red blood cells. But with kidney damage, fewer of these hormones produce fewer red blood cells, meaning you develop anemia. Other causes of anemia in kidney disease are poor nutrition intake, reduced intestinal absorption of iron, and chronic blood loss from dialysis treatment.  Apart from these causes, chronic inflammation occurs in kidney disease. This can affect iron metabolism and interfere with the production of red blood cells. When you have low iron stores in kidney disease, even with a good amount of erythropoietin, it is like having a great chef but no groceries in the kitchen. 

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