5 Science Based Benefits of Cold Showers

5 Benefits of a Cold Shower

  1. Anti-depressant effect: When you get into a cold shower, it activates your sympathetic nervous system and increases the levels of beta-endorphins and nor-adrenaline in your blood. These chemicals are known to have a happy effect on your brain.
  2. Post-exercise recovery: Cold showers have been shown to reduce cardiac stress and improve thermal comfort sensation after high-intensity exercise, especially in a hot environment. 
  3. Reduced Leave of Absence: A study from the Netherlands showed that people who took cold showers reported reduced sickness leaves from work. However, there was no significant effect on the number of days they got ill.
  4. Good mood: In highly trained swimmers, daily cold water immersion for 5 minutes following training sessions was associated with improved subjective well-being ratings, including better sleep quality, contributing to overall mood enhancement.
  5. Reduced muscle soreness: Cold water can help reduce inflammation and muscle soreness, making it beneficial for recovery after intense physical activity.

I hope this was helpful. Talk to your doctor about your health conditions before starting cold showers.


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