Discover Do’s and Don’t For A Black Eye Treatment

Have you ever had a black eye? Whether from a friendly scuffle or a little accident, we’re here to help you with the dos and don’ts for quick swift recovery!

Do’s for a black eye

  1. Check for severe symptoms like blurry vision, eye bleeding, or bruising around both eyes. If there are such symptoms, seek immediate medical attention.
  2. Use paracetamol or ibuprofen for pain relief.
  3. Prioritize rest and apply a gentle ice compress for 20 minutes in the first 2 days, followed by warm compresses. It’s important to be consistent and gentle.

However, there are things to avoid:

Don’t for a black eye

  1. Engage in vigorous activities. Take a break from intense physical activities for a day or two to prevent further swelling and bruising.
  2. Avoid continuous cold application. Cold packs are beneficial, but excessive use can harm the skin. Remember the 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off rule.
  3. Disregard signs of blood in the eye. Seek urgent care to safeguard your vision.


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