Discover The Critical Causes Of Hypothermia

Did you know your body temperature can drop below 35°C? There are several reasons for this. Let’s discuss the causes behind it. 

Causes of Hypothermia

  1. The most common cause is not wearing enough warm clothing in cold weather. Our bodies rely on insulation to retain heat, so when you are not adequately bundled up, you become vulnerable to the cold.
  2. Spending too much time in cold outdoor environments can also lead to hypothermia. Prolonged exposure to cold temperatures, especially without adequate protection or shelter, can cause hypothermia. It’s better to know your limits and seek shelter when necessary.
  3. Submersion into cold water, especially during colder seasons, is a significant risk factor for hypothermia. The cold water rapidly decreases your body heat, leading to a dangerous drop in temperature.
  4. Wet clothing can be another culprit. If you wear damp clothes and become exposed to cold conditions, the moisture can accelerate heat loss from your body.
  5. Inadequate heating and insulation can lead to a drop in indoor temperatures, making it difficult to maintain a safe body temperature. Such effects are mostly seen in the elderly.


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