Best Natural Remedies for Ear Infections: Safe and Effective Solutions

Ear Infections Do’s and Don’ts

First, let’s talk about the do’s.

  • If you have severe pain in your ears, consider taking over-the-counter pain medications like Tylenol or ibuprofen. But remember, if your child has pain, then talk to your doctor before giving any medication. 
  • Apply the warm, moist compress to the affected ear from the outside. It can help relieve pain and discomfort. 
  • You should keep your ear dry, as moisture can worsen the infection. You can use a cotton ball coated with petroleum jelly to protect the ear during bathing or swimming.

 Now, let’s talk about the don’ts

  • You should avoid using cotton buds or your finger as this can push the ear wax deeper into the ear or damage the delicate structure, leading to complications.
  • Do not put oil into your ear. Although this is a common practice in many communities, it should be avoided, as it can cause irritation and increase the risk of infection. 
  • You should avoid using antibiotics without a prescription. Antibiotics should only be used when prescribed for bacterial ear infections and taken as directed. 

I hope this was helpful. Talk to your doctor to learn more, and follow ehealthyinfo for more information like this. 


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