Unveiling The Shocking Truths Of Hemolytic Anemia

Hi guys. Today, we are here to share five facts about hemolytic anemia that you might not know. 

5 Facts about Hemolytic Anemia

  1. Hemolytic anemia is a blood disorder that causes the rapid breakdown of red blood cells, surpassing your body’s replacement capacity. Unlike other anemias, it results from cells premature death of red blood cells, which usually have a lifespan of 120 days.
  2. It can occur at any age. Hemolytic anemia can affect people of all ages, from infants to the elderly. 
  3. Symptoms of hemolytic anemia can vary widely. The symptoms of hemolytic anemia include fatigue, weakness, pale skin, shortness of breath, jaundice, dark-colored urine, and enlargement of the spleen.
  4. Certain medications can trigger hemolytic anemia. Medications, such as sulfa drugs, antimalarial drugs, and chemotherapy agents, can cause hemolytic anemia in susceptible individuals. This type of hemolytic anemia is called drug-induced hemolytic anemia. 
  5. Severe and prolonged hemolysis can lead to complications like gallstones, iron overload, cardiovascular problems, and, in rare cases, kidney failure. 

Was it interesting? Let us know in the comments if you want to know about the treatment for hemolytic anemia.


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