How To Save Someone From Hypothermia?

How to save someone from an extreme cold?

With winter in full swing, it’s crucial to know how to keep your family safe in cold weather. Today, we’re diving into the top 5 dos and don’ts while helping someone with extreme cold.

  1. Move the person indoors or to shelter as quickly as possible, getting them out of the cold environment.
  2. Remove wet clothing and wrap them in a blanket, sleeping bag, or dry towel, ensuring their head is covered to retain body heat.
  3. Offer a warm, non-alcoholic drink and some sugary food like chocolate if they’re fully awake. This provides an energy boost and helps raise their body temperature.
  4. Keep them awake by engaging in conversation until help arrives. This helps maintain their alertness and prevents further complications. Make sure that someone stays with them. Providing continuous support and monitoring is so important  in this situation.
  5. Do not use direct heat sources like heating pads, electric blanket, or hot water bottles directly on skin, as they can cause burns or sudden change in body temperature.

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