5 Causes Behind Irregular Periods You Shouldn’t Ignore

5 Common Causes of Irregular Periods 

1. Puberty and Menopause 

When you first begin menstruating during puberty, it is common to have irregular periods. No need to worry about these irregular periods! Just like irregular periods are common during puberty, they can also develop when one approaches menopause—that is, between 45 and 55 years of age. 

2. Obesity

Obesity is significantly associated with menstrual irregularity. Increased body mass index and central obesity can disrupt hormonal balance, particularly insulin and sex hormone-binding globulin, leading to irregular cycles.

3. Pregnancy

Pregnancy can cause missed periods. If you have missed your periods and are sexually active, get a pregnancy test done.

4. Contraception

Hormonal birth controls like combined oral contraception, contraceptive injection, or intrauterine devices can interfere with the normal menstrual cycle. Conditions like diabetes, thyroid disorder, or PCOS can cause irregular periods due to hormonal imbalance. 


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