5 Major Causes Behind High Blood Pressure

5 Causes Of Blood Pressure

1. Medications

Certain medications, such as antihypertensives, diuretics, and vasodilators, can lead to low blood pressure. Patients on antihypertensive medications may experience hypotension, particularly if they are overdosed.

2. Volume Depletion

Volume depletion due to dehydration, blood loss, or severe diarrhea can result in low blood pressure. 

3. Autonomic Dysfunction

Disorders affecting the autonomic nervous system, such as Parkinson’s disease, multiple system atrophy, and pure autonomic failure, can impair blood pressure regulation, leading to orthostatic hypotension. 

4. Endocrine Disorders

Conditions such as adrenal insufficiency and hypothyroidism can cause hypotension. These disorders affect the hormonal regulation of blood pressure. 

5. Cardiac Conditions

Heart-related issues such as bradycardia, heart failure, and heart attack can lead to reduced heart output and subsequent hypotension. These conditions impair the heart’s ability to pump blood effectively.

⇒ Remember, low blood pressure can indeed be normal for some individuals. Understanding the cause of low blood pressure is so important. Talk to your doctor to know more. 


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