What Every Parent Should Know About Early Signs Of Autism?

Hi there, parents! Today, we are here to tell you how to recognize the early signs of autism. Understanding these signs can help you to support your child better.

Early Signs Of Autism

  1. Reduced eye contact: Infants typically make eye contact to communicate and connect with others. A lack of eye contact or avoiding eye contact may be an early sign of autism spectrum disorder. 
  2. Delayed babbling: Babbling is the way your child communicates with voice. Children with autism usually have delayed babbling as per their age or may not babble at all during infancy. Keep an eye out for this.
  3. No response to name-calling: Typically, infants respond to their names by turning their heads toward the sound. Children with autism might not respond to their names as expected.
  4. Repetitive behaviors: Repetitive behaviors such as hand-flapping, rocking, or lining up objects are early signs of autism. Watch if your child has repetitive interests or engages in repetitive play patterns.
  5. Sensory sensitivity: Some children with autism can be overly or underly sensitive to sensory stimuli such as light, sound, touch, taste, or smell. 

Remember, every child is unique, and signs may vary. If you see these signs in your child, don’t hesitate to seek help from your pediatrician.

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