What Is Stomach Ulcer? Here Are The 4 Signs Of Stomach Ulcer

Stomach ulcer is also known as gastric ulcer. It’s simply a  sore or a wound that forms inside the stomach walls. Discovering stomach ulcers early is crucial for prompt treatment. In this video, we delve into the symptoms of stomach ulcers, including abdominal pain, a sensation of fullness or bloating, nausea, and the alarming presence of dark or black-colored stool. Stay informed and proactive about your digestive health by learning to recognize these signs. Don’t ignore potential symptoms—seek medical advice for proper diagnosis and treatment. Subscribe for more insightful health content!

Stomach Ulcer Symptoms

  • Abdominal Pain:

The pain is typically felt in the upper part of the abdomen and mid-lower chest. It is often described as a burning or “gnawing” sensation that comes and goes. While over-the-counter antacids can bring relief, they cannot treat the ulcer. Plus, your pain might get worse on eating. This leads to the desire to avoid food altogether and causes unintentional weight loss

  • Fullness or bloating sensation:

    After eating, you might notice a feeling of excessive fullness in your stomach. It can make you feel heavy and bloated to an uncomfortable extent. 

  • Nausea:

You may feel nauseous and, in severe cases, you might vomit

  • Dark or black-colored stool:

    Your stool could be mixed with blood, or you might have a black or tarry stool. This could indicate a serious complication, such as a bleeding ulcer. 


Remember, if you’re experiencing these symptoms, you must talk to your primary care physician or gastroenterologist.


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